Unveiling the Mysteries: Inclusions in Lab Created Diamonds

Unveiling the Mysteries: Inclusions in Lab Created Diamonds

Diamonds, whether natural or lab-created, are renowned for their brilliance and beauty. But have you ever wondered about the tiny imperfections within these precious gems? Inclusions, often referred to as nature’s fingerprints, play a crucial role in defining a diamond’s uniqueness and character. In this article, we delve into the world of inclusions in lab-created diamonds, exploring their formation, significance, and impact on diamond quality.

Understanding Diamond Inclusions

Inclusions are naturally occurring flaws or irregularities within a diamond. They can range from microscopic specks to larger internal or external features. These imperfections are formed during the diamond’s crystallization process deep within the Earth’s mantle, where immense heat and pressure cause minerals or other crystals to become trapped inside the diamond’s structure.

Types of Inclusions Found in Diamonds

Diamond inclusions come in various forms, including:

  • Internal Inclusions: These are flaws located within the diamond, such as crystals, feathers, or clouds.
  • External Inclusions: Also known as inclusions in lab created diamonds, these are surface irregularities like scratches, pits, or chips.

Inclusions are graded based on their size, type, location, and impact on the diamond’s overall appearance.

Inclusions in Lab-Created Diamonds

Lab-created diamonds, while not formed naturally, can still contain inclusions. During the synthetic diamond growth process, trace elements or tiny crystals may inadvertently become incorporated into the diamond’s structure, resulting in characteristic features similar to those found in natural diamonds.

How Inclusions Form in Lab-Created Diamonds

In a controlled laboratory environment, scientists replicate the conditions found in the Earth’s mantle to grow diamonds. Despite meticulous processes, slight variations or impurities can lead to the formation of inclusions in lab-created diamonds.

Comparison of Inclusions in Lab-Created vs. Natural Diamonds

While both natural and lab-created diamonds can exhibit inclusions, their characteristics may differ. Lab-created diamonds may have distinct inclusion patterns or types due to the controlled growth environment. However, advanced technologies enable gemologists to distinguish between natural and synthetic inclusions.

Types of Inclusions in Lab-Created Diamonds

Similar to natural diamonds, inclusions in lab-created diamonds can be categorized into internal and external types.

Internal Inclusions

Internal inclusions in lab-created diamonds may include:

  • Crystal Inclusions: Tiny crystals or mineral deposits trapped within the diamond.
  • Gas Inclusions: Small pockets of gas formed during the diamond growth process.

External Inclusions

External inclusions found on the surface of lab-created diamonds may include:

  • Scratches: Surface marks caused by abrasions or cutting.
  • Pits: Small indentations on the diamond’s surface.
  • Nicks: Chips or irregularities along the diamond’s edges.

The presence and visibility of these inclusions can affect the diamond’s clarity and overall appearance.

Evaluation of Inclusions in Lab-Created Diamonds

Inclusions play a significant role in determining the clarity grade of lab grown diamonds. Gemological laboratories use standardized criteria to assess the size, number, and visibility of inclusions under magnification.

Grading Standards for Lab-Created Diamond Inclusions

Lab-created diamonds are graded using the same clarity scale as natural diamonds, ranging from Flawless (FL) to Included (I). The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and other reputable institutions provide comprehensive reports detailing a diamond’s clarity characteristics, including inclusions.

How Inclusions Affect Lab-Created Diamond Pricing

The presence of inclusions can impact the value of lab-created diamonds. Stones with fewer or less visible inclusions are typically more desirable and command higher prices. However, inclusions can also serve as identifying features, ensuring the diamond’s authenticity and traceability.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Inclusions in Lab-Created Diamonds

Inclusions in lab-created diamonds offer both advantages and disadvantages to consumers.

Advantages of Visible Inclusions

  • Authenticity Assurance: Inclusions serve as natural identifiers, distinguishing lab-created diamonds from natural counterparts.
  • Unique Character: Each inclusion tells a story of the diamond’s formation, adding to its individuality and allure.

Disadvantages of Prominent Inclusions

  • Clarity Concerns: Visible inclusions may affect the diamond’s clarity grade, reducing its overall value.
  • Aesthetic Impact: Large or numerous inclusions can detract from the diamond’s beauty and brilliance, affecting its visual appeal.

Inclusion Treatments in Lab-Created Diamonds

Gemologists employ various techniques to minimize or eliminate inclusions in lab-created diamonds, enhancing their clarity and appearance.

Techniques to Reduce or Eliminate Inclusions

  • Laser Drilling: Precision laser technology is used to remove small inclusions from within the diamond.
  • Fracture Filling: Inclusions may be filled with a transparent substance to improve their appearance and reduce visibility.

Ethical Considerations of Inclusion Treatments

Consumers are increasingly concerned about the ethical implications of diamond treatments. Transparency regarding any treatments applied to lab-created diamonds is essential to maintain consumer trust and confidence in the industry. Ethical lab practices ensure that inclusion treatments are conducted responsibly and with full disclosure to consumers.

Inclusions and Diamond Certification

Inclusions play a pivotal role in the certification process of lab-created diamonds. Accredited gemological laboratories thoroughly examine and document the presence and characteristics of inclusions in each diamond. These certification reports provide consumers with valuable information about the diamond’s clarity, authenticity, and quality.

Role of Inclusions in Lab-Created Diamond Certification

Gemologists meticulously evaluate inclusions to assign a clarity grade to lab-created diamonds. This grade, along with other factors such as color and cut, contributes to the overall quality assessment of the diamond. Certification from reputable institutions like the GIA ensures that consumers can make informed decisions when purchasing lab-created diamonds.

Accredited Laboratories for Diamond Grading

Several internationally recognized laboratories specialize in the grading and certification of lab-created diamonds. These include the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the International Gemological Institute (IGI), and the American Gem Society (AGS). Choosing a diamond certified by a reputable laboratory provides assurance of its quality and authenticity.

Inclusion Identification and Mapping

Gemologists employ advanced tools and techniques to identify and map inclusions in lab-created diamonds. High-powered microscopes, along with imaging technologies like inclusion mapping, enable precise analysis of a diamond’s internal and external characteristics.

Tools and Methods Used for Identifying Inclusions

  • Microscopic Examination: Gemologists examine diamonds under high magnification to identify and categorize inclusions based on their size, type, and location.
  • Inclusion Mapping: Advanced imaging systems create detailed maps of a diamond’s inclusions, allowing for accurate documentation and analysis.

Inclusion identification and mapping provide valuable insights for both gemologists and consumers, facilitating informed decision-making when purchasing lab-created diamonds.

Consumer Awareness on Inclusions

Educating consumers about inclusions is essential for fostering transparency and trust within the diamond industry. Understanding the significance of inclusions empowers consumers to make informed choices when selecting lab-created diamonds.

How to Interpret Inclusion Reports

Consumers should familiarize themselves with the information provided in diamond certification reports, particularly regarding clarity characteristics and inclusion types. Consulting with knowledgeable professionals or reputable jewelers can also help clarify any questions or concerns about a diamond’s inclusions.

Inclusions and Diamond Durability

Contrary to popular belief, inclusions can influence not only a diamond’s appearance but also its durability and longevity. Understanding the relationship between inclusions and diamond strength is crucial for ensuring the proper care and maintenance of lab-created diamonds.

Relationship Between Inclusions and Diamond Strength

Inclusions, especially those near the surface or along structural planes, can create weak points within the diamond. These areas may be more susceptible to damage or breakage, particularly under pressure or impact.

Impact of Inclusions on Diamond Longevity

Proper handling and care are essential for preserving the integrity of lab-created diamonds with inclusions. Avoiding activities that could subject the diamond to excessive force or abrasion can help mitigate the risk of damage to inclusions and prolong the diamond’s lifespan.

Inclusions in Fancy Colored Lab-Created Diamonds

Fancy colored lab-created diamonds, prized for their vibrant hues, may exhibit unique inclusion characteristics. These inclusions can influence the diamond’s color intensity and overall appearance, adding to its distinctive allure.

Unique Characteristics of Inclusions in Colored Lab-Created Diamonds

Inclusions in colored lab-created diamonds may include:

  • Color Centers: Atomic-level defects within the diamond lattice that contribute to its coloration.
  • Internal Growth Patterns: Striations or zoning caused by variations in the diamond’s crystal structure during growth.

Understanding the role of inclusions in colored lab-created diamonds enhances appreciation for their beauty and rarity.

Maintenance of Lab-Created Diamonds with Inclusions

Proper maintenance is essential for preserving the beauty and brilliance of lab-created diamonds with inclusions. Implementing regular cleaning and care routines helps protect the diamond from damage and maintains its clarity and sparkle.

Cleaning and Caring for Diamonds with Inclusions

  • Gentle Cleaning: Use a mild detergent solution and a soft brush to remove dirt and debris from the diamond’s surface and inclusions.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Refrain from exposing the diamond to harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could damage its surface or inclusions.

Taking proactive measures to care for lab-created diamonds with inclusions ensures their longevity and keeps them looking their best for years to come.

Future Trends in Inclusion Management

As technology and research continue to advance, new trends in inclusion management are emerging within the diamond industry. These developments aim to enhance the clarity, durability, and overall quality of lab-created diamonds.

Innovations in Inclusion Detection and Treatment

  • Advanced Imaging Technologies: Continued advancements in imaging systems enable more precise identification and mapping of inclusions within lab-created diamonds.
  • Non-Invasive Treatments: Research focuses on developing non-invasive techniques to improve diamond clarity without altering its natural characteristics.

The ongoing pursuit of innovation underscores the industry’s commitment to delivering exceptional quality and value to consumers.


Inclusions are not merely imperfections but unique characteristics that contribute to the beauty and individuality of lab-created diamonds. Understanding the formation, significance, and management of inclusions is essential for both consumers and industry professionals. By embracing transparency, innovation, and ethical practices, the diamond industry continues to uphold its legacy of excellence and craftsmanship.